Welcome to our farm.

Open year around.

We invite you visit our farm-takes about 3 hrs.

Best time to see birds is 25 May-5 July. (It is best to pre order. Opening accordin agreement)  Guests learn how the eider ducks live and nest, and how the eider down is cleaned. Guests can examine how eider down is processed through various stages until it is put into quilts and pillows. Trips twice weekly from 25 May until 3 July.

To book ahead. Email: helgith61@gmail.com. Phone number +354 893 1437

Easy walk

We take an easy walk around the living and nesting areas of the eider ducks with guides who are eider farmers at Ytri-Nýpur. Our guests have the opportunity of seeing how this wild bird is protected and cared for so that it feels comfortable. Also are other birds in the nesting area. It is crucial to walk carefully and listen carefully to the guide throughout the walk.

The process

The visit to the farm‘s down-cleaning building where you will have the opportunity to inspect and feel the eiderdown in various stages of cleaning process and also to see samples of completed products.

The "guestroom"

Guests are invited to the „down-farmers‘ guestroom“ next door to enjoy light refreshments. In the guest room are items connected with farming in the last years.

Total time of visit about 3 hours.

Open year around. Best time is25 May-5 July.     (It is best to pre order. Opening accordin agreement)

Booking, helgith61@gmail.com  Tel. +354  893 1437


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